🐸 What does it mean to "FROG" your knitting?

β€œDo the best you can. No one can do more than that.”

―John Wooden


In today’s email:

  • Knitspiration: It's time to rip-it, rip-it good
  • Stitchionary: A way to rip our your knits without making a mess
  • Pattern Pick: This knitted toy will hop into your heart
  • PLUS: Angels and demons, beginning again, and more

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πŸ’‘ Knitspiration

🐸 What does it mean to "FROG" your knitting?

Knitters have a small vocabulary of words that are only understood within the community.

Whether you have too many WIPs (work in progress) or UFOs (unfinished objects) sometimes you just need to start over.

That's called FROGGING.


No one really knows.

Some people think its a more polite four letter "F" word.

There's a good case that it was originally an insult towards the French.

But I like to think its because when you start over your knitting, you have to *rip-it, rip-it, rip-it* A LOT.

When to frog a project?

Deciding whether or not to frog is not always easy. Who wants to have to redo something?

It's heartbreaking to admit you did something wrong, much less give up on the time you've already put in.

That being said, here are three reasons you might decide to frog your knitting.

  1. You want to start over the project.​
    Maybe you cast on the wrong number of stitches or you don't like the yarn you're using or you're coming back to a project and you can't remember where you were. In this case you're going to rip out the whole thing and begin again.
  2. You need to fix a mistake​
    Most of the time you'll be frogging your work in order to fix a mistake a few rows back. It may not be possible to drop down a stitch column and fix it, so you need to rework the whole row or section. This is where using something like a lifeline can be extremely helpful!
  3. You want to recycle or reuse the yarn​
    If you've truly given up on a project, or perhaps you just didn't like how it turned out, then you may want to reuse the yarn for something else. I mean, its perfectly good yarn. It doesn't have to stay trapped in a project you don't love.

Why you should learn to love frogging

One of our mantras as Fearless Knitters is to embrace our mistakes.

So often we give up instead of starting over, or just taking the time to go back and do it right.

Making a mistake does not mean you have failed.

It is an opportunity to learn.

And by taking time to learn from those mistakes you are investing in your future self.

You will knit more fearlessly because you've been there and done that.

So if you are hesitating to frog a section of a project, don't be afraid to rip-it.


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πŸ“£ Upcoming Events

LIVE Knitting Workshop β€’ Knitting with Beads

Saturday July 1st @ 10AM Pacific (Check Your Timezone Here)

In this 90 minute online workshop you'll learn everything you need to start knitting with beads!


During this class you'll learn the basics of knitting with beads, from different types of bead knitting to tips and tricks for making your best beadwork.

We'll be making a beautiful practice swatch to learn the technique.

Here's some of the skills you'll uncover in this class:

  • How to select the right beads for your project
  • Two methods for adding beads to your knits
  • An overview of tools for knitting with beads
  • Fixing common bead knitting mistakes
  • And so much more

Are you in?

This workshop goes LIVE in...

Count down to 2023-07-01T17:30:00.000Z​


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Oh, and did I mention that you'll also get LIFETIME access to the recording?

So even if you can't make it live you can still watch it later!

If you've been wanting to learn to knit with beads then join us on Saturday, July 1st @ 10AM Pacific for this LIVE workshop.

I hope to see you there!

πŸ“† Daily Stitch

How to frog without making a mess

While you might choose to rip out your knitting to fix a mistake, you also don't want to create more problems for yourself.

This tutorial will show you how to rip back your knitting and keep your project in tact.

Use this just in case you didn't use a lifeline. πŸ˜‰

🧢 Pattern Pick

Frog by Claire Garland

You might have seen this little guy hop into your Instagram feed recently.

This is a great amigurumi project if you want to try knitting toys.

Quick to knit and a ton of fun, this is a great reminder that frogging is something to love.

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πŸ˜‚ Knits & Giggles


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